We have handpicked a selection of causes that are in sync with our mission. They include, but are not limited to the following:
Ocean Generation (Charity No 1139843) was created to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural environment and to protect it from plastic waste. It provides advocacy/advice/information, sponsors or undertakes research and acts as an umbrella or resource body for other related charitable activities. In January 2022, the Coco Joelle Foundation made a grant to fund the costs of an Outreach Manager for Ocean Generation’s Deep Current’s programme (www.oceangeneration.org) and the associated outreach costs of the programme.
The Queen’s Green Canopy (operating through Cool Earth Charity No 1117978) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 and invites people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”. You no doubt saw the project manifested in the special installation Her Majesty lit up at the celebrations of her Platinum Jubilee. Operating through Cool Earth (Charity No. 1117978), the Coco Joelle Foundation has made a grant to fund a community tree planting project in the ward of Clayhall, Redbridge, London which is among the 40% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country in terms of living environment deprivation.
James’ Place (Charity No 1121891) was founded in 2007 by Clare Milford Haven and Nick Wentworth-Stanley following the death of their son, James, who took his own life when he could not find adequate support when facing his suicidal thoughts. An utter tragedy. The support at James’ Place is free to men experiencing suicidal thoughts in Merseyside, London and surrounds. The therapists and support persons use clear, everyday language to help men understand how they have reached a crisis while learning ways of coping long term, if faced with similar crisis in the future. The Charity opened a counselling centre in Liverpool in 2018 and has opened a second centre in East London in 2022. A third centre is due to open in Newcastle in December 2023 and there are plans to open in Birmingham and Bristol over the next three years. The Coco Joelle Foundation has made grants to fund two therapists and to enhance the Charity's ability to communicate with students in London. We continue to support James’ Place as our Legacy Project.
More details on the Charity are at www.jamesplace.org.uk.
The Southmead Project (Charity No. 1076617) provides free counselling and support for survivors of abuse and addiction across Bristol and surrounding areas. It was founded in 1994 and supports adults (aged 16 years and above) who have experienced any type of abuse including sexual, physical and emotional abuse, domestic violence and neglect. The Charity also offers specialist counselling, both one-on-one and group programmes, for adults with an addiction to drugs and alcohol. They are active in research and run successful group programmes for parents and carers. The Coco Joelle Foundation is making a series of grants to fund a counsellor for threeyears.
More information can be obtained at www.southmeadproject.org.uk
PAPYRUS (Charity No. 1070896) is a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. The PAPYRUS helpline, HOPELineUK, provides information and practical advice to any young person who is feeling suicidal and to anyone who is worried that a young person they know may be suicidal. Papyrus also produces suicide prevention information and resources. The Coco Joelle Foundation made grants to fund a nationwide programme of suicide prevention training. A further pledge is being given to coincide with the ‘Big Give’, which will match fund the donation from CJF.
More details can be found at www.paryrus-uk.org
The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields (Charity No. 1078201) works with over 4,500 homeless people and those in insecure accommodation in Central London. St Martin’s House, its day and night centre in Trafalgar Square, provides services to help people move into housing or special support as well as employment and training. The Coco Joelle Foundation has made grants towards the Move-On fund which will assist those leaving St Martin’s House to find private rented accommodation. In October 2022, the trustees agreed a grant of for the running costs of the Women’s Development Unit for three years.
More information on the range of services offered by The Connection is at www.connection-at-stmartins.org.uk
Your Place (Formerly Caritas Anchor House Charity No. 1147794) provides a home and support for people experiencing homelessness in East London and works predominantly in the London borough of Newham, the Capital’s most deprived borough. It works collaboratively with residents to build a better future for themselves, through the provision of personalised support, education and life skills opportunities. Its goal for all residents is to move on from homelessness for good.
In support of the Charity’s goal, the Coco Joelle Foundation has made grants to help the Move-On Project, thereby enabling residents to move into private rented accommodation. Additional grants towards the Education, Training and Employment Fund has been distributed.
More information can be found at www.your-place.org.uk
Clapton Common Boys' Club (Charity No. 1121347) was founded in 2006 to improve the lives of disadvantaged young boys in the London boroughs of Hackney and Haringey by providing them with stimulating and engaging extra-curricular activities in out-of-hours term time and during school holidays. Children are empowered and become partners, helping to deliver on future programmes. The Charity's programmes have doubled in recent years to meet rising demand and in 2018 they received the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. The Coco Joelle Foundation made a grant to fund a series of skills-based training sessions for children with special educational needs.
More information can be obtained by emailing office@ccboysclub.org
Crisis (Charity No. 1082947) is the national charity for single homeless people. It is dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change. Its innovative education, employment, housing and well-being services, address individual needs and helps people to transform their lives.
In November 2021, Crisis launched its Christmas appeal www.crisis.org.uk to which the Coco Joelle Foundation made grants.
More information can be found at www.crisis.org.uk
Whitehaven Community Trust (Charity No. 1060245) is a small charity, established in 1990, which provides housing, training and support to vulnerable young people in a particularly deprived area of Cumbria. While much of their effort is concentrated on housing young mothers, they also provide counselling services and work with the homeless in their area. The Coco Joelle Foundation has made a grant towards the support costs for a mother and baby hostel in Whitehaven.
More information on the charity is at www.wct-whitehaven.co.uk
Surfers Against Sewage (Charity No. 1145877) approached the Trustees in April 2022 and made a pitch explaining their various education and communication campaigns against plastic waste. They have a number of large backers but the trustees agreed to a one off grant towards their Plastic Free Communities campaign.
More information can be found on their website.
St Mungo’s (Charity No. 1149085) has been operating across London and the south of England for over 50 years, tackling homelessness and its causes. St Mungo’s mission is “Ending homelessness, Rebuilding lives” Homelessness damages the lives of some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The charity operates hostels and recovery colleges to provide employment training for those out of work. The Coco Joelle Foundation has made several grants to the annual St. Mungo’s Christmas appeal. In support of a further appeal by St Mungo’s, trustees agreed an additional grant to fund the salaries of the Charity’s Recovery College Manager and Administrator for 2022/23. This project is central to helping the homeless move into long term accommodation and will provide a stable base on which the entire service can operate throughout the next 12 months. In October 2023, St Mungo launched its Winter Appeal, which we have given a grant for.
More information can be found at www.mungos.org
Our Special Friends (Charity No. 1156778) was established in 2014 by Suffolk vet, Dr Belinda (Bin) Johnston. The Charity helps people at a vulnerable time in their lives to benefit from the companionship of animals through the provision of practical and emotional support while increasing the awareness and understanding of the benefits of the human-companion animal relationship and the impact of bereavement. In June 2022, following a presentation to Trustees on the work of the charity by Bin Johnston, the CJF made a grant towards its Animal Assisted Activity programme.
More information can be found at www.ourspecialfriends.org
Disasters Emergency Committee (Charity No. 1062638). The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launched its Pakistan Floods Appeal in August 2022 following heavy monsoon rains which inundated over one third of the country, killed 1600 people and displaced over three million whose homes were destroyed or left uninhabitable.
In October 2022 the Trustees made a grant to the DEC for the Pakistan Floods Appeal.
More information on emergency disaster relief can be found at the Disasters Emergency Committee, www.dec.org.uk
The Matthew Project (Charity No. 1122801) The Matthew Project supports vulnerable adults and young people in the East of England, focusing on reducing drug and/or alcohol misuse with young people 18years and under. The charity provides support for both young people and adults in recovery, and works towards improving individualls’mental wellbeing. As well as the individuals themselves, The Matthew Project creates social change and improvements to the local community, including improved family/friendship relationships, reductions in drug/alcohol misuse, reduced strain on local health and wellbeing services, reduction in rates of offending, and improved skills and employment outcomes for its service users. All of which goes to help support and regenerate the local community. Our foundation is supporting the Matthew Project with a grant to fund the salary and operational costs of a Social Enterprising Manager. This manager will run an income generating enterprise, employing beneficiaries in artisan skills/crafts, which then supports them on their road to recovery.
More information can be found at www.matthewproject.org
TUSK Wildlife Conservation (Charity No. 1186533) We have made substantial grants to TUSK (which were anonymously matched by another foundation) for elephant conservation and the work to end poaching. This included local village involvement to educate, inform and ensure the villages can afford to sustain and educate the residents and negate the propensity to poach to feed and support themselves. We have also created teams of both male and female personnel, to patrol and protect the elephants in the wild and in conservation areas.
More information on TUSK conservation projects can be found at www.tusk.org
We supported the Chelsea Academy Foundation with a one-off grant to go towards academic, extracurricular and welfare support for their students.
For more information visit the Chelsea Academy Foundation at www.chelsea-academy.org
We have donated to a fantastic, innovative charity founded by Stephanie Slater called School Food Matters. Donations ensure that they can continue important work to teach children about food and to improve children’s access to healthy, sustainable food during their time at school. These last few years have been especially challenging for many families, so this charity helps to ensure that children are happy, well fed and able to thrive this winter.
Over the Winter seasons, we continue to support local London homeless through various mediums.
We continue to work with environmental groups on conservation and ecological clean up.